Multi-disciplinary team working in private musculoskeletal clinics - the gold standard
I met Hayley Matthews (Director and Lead Physiotherapist of Saltash Physiotherapy ( - pictured) in 2016 when I delivered a weekend study session to a group of local physiotherapists. A lesson I was fortunate to learn very early in my career is that no one profession has all the answers... not even podiatry so working with physios and other professions means we all learn from each other and pass that knowledge on to our patients.
To this end I have never not worked with other health professionals but especially physiotherapists. Our approach to musculoskeletal (MSK) assessment of the lower limb blends beautifully, and patients who have been assessed by an insightful podiatrist or physiotherapist may at times realise they have been referred one way or the other within a care plan as each professional recognises when the other is needed.
Whether I work alongside other health professionals physically or as part of a remote team, the principle remains - multi-disciplinary team (MDT) working is the gold standard for the management of many complex MSK conditions.
If you see me for a consultation at Saltash Physiotherapy, the chances are you will have been referred to me by Hayley or another of the physios there, or I may refer you to to them after seeing me. One clinic, all the benefits of MDT working for you.
If you see any practitoner elsewhere who thinks they don't need to work with other professions I would urge you to be cautious about their insight into what they are missing. Having eyes from more than one profession on you can mean the chances of success are higher when managing your pain.
wo togtogether, stay together for their patients :-)